Two of my dearest friends were Prem Devidyal Vasistha (a Hindu Vedic) may he Rest in Peace and Patrick Grimes - from the rough part of the south side of Dublin also now passed into Glory. I still write a few times each month to Hal Sosabowski, who uncle lead the Polish forces at Arnhem and Andrew Mazurkiewicz, an old musician mate still building wonderful guitars in Vienna. My lovely neighbours are from Ireland, Scotland, Kerala, Jamaica, Syria, The Punjab and Pakistan - my family shares Iftar with Mo and his family every Ramadan.Having worked in the USA, Germany, The Netherlands, France Belgium, Norway and Finland I think that I am somewhat better qualified that some odious, thick and truly insignificant bogtrotter from LBH Hounslow to boast about living and working in a multi-cultural society. Never mind Boggy just keep being ageist, disabled shaming and fantasising it is, after all, what you are good at. Silly little man, the LCC must be so proud of you.
N V Brooks ● 277d