Conservative staff running vile racist anti-ULEZ FB groups shameful and desperate stuff from the Conservatives uncovered by a Greenpeace investigation. But hardly surprising to anybody who has had the remotest of involvements in the Chiswick road wars. Our local closed member Facebook group, OneChiswick, has been disseminating hate against proponents of clean air and safer streets for four years and some of their members are no doubt involved in the groups adopting similar tactics against ULEZ.And our local Councillors have been active in spreading the same hate and conspiracy theories described in this article. You have to wonder why they are so motivated to stop clean air and safer streets schemes that they would lower themselves to this level and risk the damage to their reputations and careers. Extracts from the article below for those who do not wish to click the URL. "Ami McCarthy, political campaigner at Greenpeace UK, said: “These groups are an absolute cesspit of vile racism and hate speech, as well as a breeding ground for dangerous conspiracy theories. That they’re being managed by Conservative operatives speaks volumes about the direction in which the party has gone, and just how toxic these anti-Ulez campaigns have become. The party should launch a full investigation into this whole shameful scandal and everyone involved.”"Conservative party staff and activists are secretly operating a network of Facebook groups that have become a hotbed of racism, misinformation and support for criminal damage.An investigation has identified 36 groups that appear to be separate grassroots movements opposing the expansion of ultra-low emission zone (Ulez) schemes to reduce air pollution. They do not say they were set up by the Conservatives as part of a coordinated political campaign.The closed groups – which have a combined membership of 38,000 – have been a forum for Islamophobic attacks on Labour’s London mayor Sadiq Khan, with members calling him a “terrorist sympathiser” and a “khaki punt” and saying they would pay to get him “popped”. Other posts promote white supremacist slogans, antisemitic conspiracy theories and have encouraged the destruction of Ulez enforcement cameras."
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