It was the election of Thatcher that made us join the Labour Party way, way back in '79. Whatever else you thought of her - she was a consummate politician right to her fingertips, and had a grip on the Tories who, by and large managed to behave themselves back then, with only a couple of hiccups. She was though, ruthless, when you see what happened during the miner's strike and her assault on the Trades Unions, from our point of view - pretty unforgiveable, ditto her mantra of privatisation, which is still biting us on the a*se now. She did, I think, respect Parliament, and the current lacklustre rabble really must have her spinning in her grave. Sunak seems hell bent on hanging on by his fingernails hoping against hope some miracle will come along and save their rotten party, as apparently one Tory minster said to an ITV journalist they needed to be 'put out of their misery' - us too mate, us too!
Vanessa Smith ● 310d