Parking enforcement Ealing Borough
Just in case anyone living in Ealing borough CPZ missed the news report on the council appointing Greener Ealing to do parking enforcement it is perhaps worth considering how this might change things.For the last year at least enforcement in the Chiswick area has been minimal. On more than one occasion I've forgot to book in a visitor or someone doing building work and they've never got a ticket. You rarely see a parking attendant whereas before they were buzzing around all the time.This might be about to change. The council is not hiding the fact that they want to increase the number of fines and have employed 20 more staff to hand them out. Also, they now have a base in Acton which means that this area is going to get more attention. Hopefully I am wrong but, if you like me have become complacent, maybe it is time to rethink.
Anita Blake ● 317d3 Comments