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Not sure if this is of help.4.0 PRIOR APPROVAL AND PLANNING PERMISSION4.1 Permitted Development RightsAll development requires planning permission except those which are; very minor (‘deminimis’); are specifically excluded from the definition of development by the Townand Country Planning Act 1990; have been granted a general planning permissionthrough the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (amended)Order 1995 (GPDO) which effectively grants permission for a range of operations (i.e.‘permitted development’).4.2 Part 24 of Schedule 2 details the permitted development rights of telecommunicationoperators. This was revised in 2001. A Summary is included in Appendix 2.4.3 The Town and Country (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (England)Order 2001 sets out the permitted development rights for telecommunications codesystem operators (Now known as the Electronic Communications Code Operators),including masts and other apparatus.4.4 Some types of development authorised by Part 24 are subject to the ‘prior approvalsprocedure’ as set out in A.2 (4) of Part 24 of the GPDO. The prior approvalsprocedure applies to the construction, installation, alteration or replacement of anydevelopment permitted by Part 24 in a conservation area and some largertelecommunications development still falling within Part 24.4.5 Where the operator considers that a proposal is permitted development under Part 24Class A.3 the operator must apply for a determination to the Council as to whetherapproval of the siting and design of the development is necessary. Under the ‘PriorApproval’ procedure, the local planning authority has the opportunity to decide within56 days whether they wish to approve details of the siting and appearance of aproposal. The authority is able to refuse approval where they consider that thedevelopment will pose a serious threat to amenity.4.6 If the proposed development falls within Part 24 but is not subject to prior approvalthen the development has permitted development rights.4.7 Where it is considered that the exercise of a permitted development right may have aserious impact on local amenity, the Council may consider the imposition of an Article4 direction withdrawing permitted development rights. This can only be applied whereit can be demonstrated that a development would pose a real and specific threat to alocality and would first require the approval of the Secretary of State.

Vanessa Smith ● 398d