Thanks for taking an interest in my article. I was on the ground in Uganda for admiring the festive season and I can assure that I saw no such thing as you've described. I have a lot of family still in Uganda and friends, I have not seen a if heard of anyone fleeing for their lives. There are certainly people who want to come to come to the UK, including some very close family members, but the idea that families are being torn apart by the Shift to the right politically in Uganda is pure fiction. Where I do agree is that Uganda has had a form of military dictatorship for nearly forty. The regime has not shift to any direction except to tighten their grip on power and try to silence the the opposition by arresting them. Bobby Wine is the leading opposition leader who is tipped to be the nearest challenge to the current regime in 2026. It is worth googling him, he is definitely a character with a strong youth following.
Ron Mushiso ● 406d