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Anna, we've been through this already. There is corruption in Ukraine and it has a bad record historically but it was precisely for this reason that so many Ukrainians wanted to move away from kleptocratic oligarchy towards western style democracy and a rules based system. The closer they get the less corruption there will be. Navalny tried to take Russia in a similar direction and that got him killed.I sure there is child exploitation in Ukraine as there is in this country but these baroque fantasies that you find online are simply untrue and you'll just have to accept I am not paid to point this out to you.As for the notion that Johnson somehow blocked a viable peace plan a) there never was one and b) it is laughable that anyone might believe that this buffoon ever commanded the respect of other world leaders sufficient to allow him have any influence over events.In his defence he did not ask for a million to debate with Carlson - he asked for the money to be donated to support injured Ukrainian servicemen.While you are right that it is not to our credit that some of the huge number of women and children who had to flee their country when Russian bombs started to rain down on them no longer have a host, they are not on the streets. They declare themselves homeless to the local authority who then has to provide them with housing. I would love to have the opportunity to host a family from this country but my small house is already full to bursting. I try to help out in other ways including countering the lies you peddle in a desperate attempt for attention.

Francis Rowe ● 365d

I'm not sure what information Matt Le Tissier thinks people are hiding about footballers collapsing but if you are suggesting that it is something to do with Covid vaccines he is wrong. I was actually present myself at an amateur sporting fixture back in the nineties when a player had a cardiac event. Sadly, this sort of thing has always happened and incidents are nearly always down to pre-existing conditions.Leading experts in sports cardiology, including the American College of Sports Medicine and the British Journal of Sports Medicine, have analysed the available data and said that there is absolutely no evidence of a link between COVID-19 vaccines and an increase in athlete deaths or cardiac issues. Studies analyzing data from various sources, including athlete registries and news reports, haven't shown any increase in sudden cardiac death (SCD) among athletes after vaccination compared to pre-pandemic levels.Jumping up and down every time a person dies prematurely and going 'Ah vaccines!' is just ghoulish.On the rather laughable claim that Boris Johnson scuppered a peace deal soon after the Russian invasion all I can say is that it stinks of the Russian and Iranian notion of Britain as the Little Satan, not a great power any more but using its malign influence to make America do things it wouldn't otherwise have done.While it is certainly true Johnson leapt on invasion as his chance to play the poundshop Churchill and saw it as a great opportunity to distract from his domestic catastophies, he had zero influence on the chain of events other than the quick supply of British hand held anti-tank weapons maybe helped the Ukrainians resist the advance on Kyiv.Any 'peace' deal that was on the table then is the same as the ones currently being offered by the Russians which amounts to 'give us some of your land and we will stop killing you.' This isn't a 'peace' that the Ukrainians are willing to consider now after two years of appalling losses and grinding conflict, so they never would have considered it then.As a post script on Johnson, although he must be given credit for his support to Ukraine in the very early days of the conflict, that it was motivated by self-interest only is shown by his subsequent actions. He never really cared about Ukraine and his false fleeting nature is demonstrated by his endorsement of Trump. He can only have done that because it maximises the revenue he gets from after dinner speaking.

Francis Rowe ● 368d

The only reason you don't want to watch a Biden press conference and would consider it vomit inducing is that would challenge an opinion you have decided on and you don't like your opinions to be challenged by facts.I've had personal experience of family members and friends developing dementia and I am acutely aware of the signs. If you watch Biden in a press conference you will see a man capable of answering unscripted questions in detail without notes at length. This is not something someone with a condition such as Alzeimher's in its early stages would be able to do.That is not to say he is not experiencing some memory loss. I'm far younger than him and you could say the same for me. Even as a much younger man Biden was prone to the occasional gaffe in which he got someone's name wrong.The problem here is that you have formed your views based on social media in which clips of times when he misspeaks are shared endlessly but, like so many others, you refuse to properly analyse the situation for yourself by considering how he performs when speaking at length putting any errors into context.It's already been pointed out to you that Biden's awkward gait is not a sign of decreptitude but a longstanding injury to his knees. He is very physically fit for a man of his age.Of course if there were any actual evidence of a developing condition that made him unfit to serve then he should be removed from office and there are mechanisms in place to ensure this happens. It would be inconceivable that if senior officials were observing a deterioration in his condition they wouldn't raise concerns. All senior Democrats back Biden. Do you not think, if Biden was impaired, a rival candidate for the Democratic nomination would be coming forward and making this public?Biden has been a very successful President delivering econcomic growth that Sunak would die for, increasing employment and real wages during his term, making progress on gun legislation, implementing student debt forgiveness and a whole host of other measures that demonstrate his effectiveness in negotiating the difficulties of getting legislation through the US system. The only blot on his term is the disasterous way the withdrawal from Afghanistan was handled but Trump, who committed the US to withdraw, himself has admitted that this was a poison chalice deliberately left behind.The 'Biden has dementia' lie is one happily propagated by Russian bot farms and will be pushed very heavily in the run up to the election. It will be done to death by MAGA world but it will only be really effective if there are enough useful idiots willing to spread it without taking the trouble to examine the facts.

Mark Evans ● 370d

Following and reposting these random crackpot accounts makes her feel like being a part of a community of like-minded individuals. It's a bit like being a member of the Flat Earth Society. Nobody really believes in it all but they think it makes them interesting and gains them some attention.There are a number of things to unpick here though. First the claim that 'USA warmongers' and their puppet government are losing. The problem with that is that Putin just restated his war aims this week in his rambling interview with Lord Haw Haw. The psuedo history that he read in his bunker during covid led him to believe that Ukraine does not exist as a separate entity to Russia and he set out to make that a reality. This primary war aim has failed massively. Attacking Ukraine with overwhelming force including air superiority should have led to a quick victory but he underestimated his own military's massive deficiencies and the resolve of the Ukrainian people. The outcome has been the transformation of free Ukraine into a country with a very strong and clear notion of itself as a separate state and a people that will resist incorporation into Russia for generations. Putin has therefore already lost the war in terms of what he set out to achieve.Ukraine certainly hasn't won the war as it has failed to clear the territory of the invader and the fairly horrifying prospect of another decade of conflict lies ahead. It is hard to see what possible alternative exists for them as, even if some sort of peace was to be agreed, Putin has made clear what his aims are and had never adhered to previous treaties.The only winners in this conflict have been western arms manufacturers. Russian equipment has been shown to be deficient and 'the world's second most powerful army' has been reduced to sending out meat waves of the sweepings of their prisons, backed by North Korean shells and Iranian drones made using microchips cannabalised from western made fridges. Their museums have been cleared out of tanks and those that remain can't even be put up against western personnel carriers let alone German, American and UK tanks.Meanwhile the eastern European members of NATO have given all their Soviet equipment to Ukraine re-equipping with next generation kit and seen two of the most effective armies in Europe join their side. The demand for western weapons is such that factories can't cope as countries around the world place orders for munitions that have performed so well in this conflict.These are based on technology and innovation which comes from the west being a free society. Even China has to rely on IP theft to develop its technological industries. Ironically it is the same thing that has brought us gender neutral toilets that has made us militarily unchallengeable.

Francis Rowe ● 378d

Interesting you mentioned Michele Mone because when I read further details on this Ukrainian corruption case the parallels seemed very striking. A government in the midst of a national crisis gave priority to the politically well connected to meet urgent procurement needs.It should be pointed out in both cases corruption has merely been alleged rather than proven. Although the Ukrainian Secret Service are accusing these people of embezzlement all the funds have been recovered. If the intention was simply to steal the money, then it seems strange that it wasn't switched to untraceable accounts or crypto.The point that Anna seems to have misunderstood is that corruption exists in all countries but a corrupt country is one where the malefactors are not held to account.There is undoubtly still a lot of corruption in Ukraine which is a legacy of the way the old Soviet system used to work. However, even in 2022 the country ranked well ahead of Russia in international indices of corruption (i.e. it was less corrupt) and it has been seeing rapid improvements with Russia going the other way. On current ratest of improvement, Ukraine looks set to have a better record than the EU's most corrupt country Hungary which currently ranks alongside Burkino Faso.The main reason this war started is that the Ukrainian people wanted to move away from being ruled by a corrupt elite in the pocket of Russia and to a country in which the rule of law provided its citizens protection.More importantly in this regard is that there is a fundamental falsehood underlying Anna's call to stop funding Ukraine. No cash is being sent to Kyiv to buy weapons. The monetary amounts quoted for military aid is the deemed value of equipment and ammuninition transferred out of stock and sent to the Ukraine. US auditors have checked that this is being properly used and, no surprise, have confirmed that everything is okay.Interestingly, the way the US government is getting round the logjam created by Trump is to provide military aid to Greece in return for them delivering stocks to Ukraine. A similar deal with Turkiye looks to be in the offing with the latter being asked to give Soviet era air defence equipment to Ukraine in return for being eligible to take deliver of F35s.

Mark Evans ● 390d

The Trump nappy claims come from his former staff members and seem to be backed up by video footage. He avoids turning his back to a camera. Your claims about Biden's ambition don't seem to fit what people with experience and knowledge of American politics say. He had to be persuaded to go for the nomination last time because his intention had been to retire but Democratic party strategists were convinced he was the only potential candidate able to beat Trump because of his appeal in key rust belt seats such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan where Hilary had done poorly. This turned out to be correct and was the main reason why he won.The widespread expectation was that he would run for one term and step aside for Kamala Harris but her polling is terrible and she is not a viable candidate. Among Democratic delegates Hilary Clinton and Bernie Saunders are the two highest polling potential candidates way behind Biden. As I said, no viable alternative has emerged, and rather than clinging to power, Biden has been put in a position where he has no choice but to run again.There isn't much I can do to persuade you to accept the medical opinion of doctors who have explained the impact of pre-existing issues on his gait or the evidence of your own eyes and ears were you actually to listen to him speaking for an extended period rather than just to short clips of gaffes you see on Twitter, if you are unwilling to do so. However, while nobody believes Biden is the ideal candidate and like with any man of his age there should be reservations about his health, no sane person should spread unevidenced and exaggerated reports about any impairment which can only serve to advance the cause of Donald Trump.

Francis Rowe ● 404d

If you are going to make a comparison about the physical and mental capacities of the two likely candidates then Biden comes clear out ahead. Every gaffe Biden makes is spread widely on the internet but on a near daily basis he talks without notes on a wide range of subjects showing a grasp of detail. He does misspeak occasionally and maybe that is evidence of some impairment but it is at a very early stage.Trump on the other hand can barely string a sentence together if he is not repeating talking points and is regularly incoherent. This may not be a sign of advancing age because he never was able to express himself in an intelligent manner due to not being intelligent.Physically, although Biden as a few extra years on Trump he has led a more active lifestyle and had a much better diet than Trump's burger and coke staple. He is much more physically active and the slightly doddery gait he has is due to an injury to his knees when he was much younger. He is believed to be generally in good physical condition for a man of his age. Trump on the other hand is widely believed to be doubly incontinent and there certainly does appear to be good evidence he wears nappies. It is not ideal to have a candidate in his eighties but no one else is coming forward to claim the Democratic nomination. I suspect Biden would quite happily step aside for a younger candidate who could win but there isn't one. I wouldn't bet against Trump winning but I would bet against him outliving Biden.

Francis Rowe ● 404d

The mass kidnapping of Ukrainian children by the Russian state is an established fact ruled on by an international court with warrants for the arrest of the perpatrators issued including Vladimir Putin.Claims of Ukrainian child trafficking you repeatedly make are unevidenced from shady blogs obvious sponsored by the Russians in an attempt to obfuscate their crimes. We all know what is going on and so do you but you repeat these falsehoods in a sad attempt to be interesting.With regard to your claims that it is over because Zelensky is asking Switzerland to negotiate peace terms, this is self -evidently false and based on a post by a financial sector Twitter account with no direct knowledge of what is going on.What actually has happened is that Ukraine is asking more world leaders and the summit in Davos to sign up for their peace formula which they have been proposing for some time. This includes full Russian withdrawal from the territories they have illegally invaded such as Crimea. If the Russians accepted this it would be over but they haven't.That's not to say things are going well for the Ukrainians right now. The log jam in funding from both the EU and US has left them desperately short of munitions while the Russians have increased supply from North Korea and Iran. However, despite this short term tactical advantage, the Russians are making tiny gains at huge cost.While the land war is going badly, the Ukrainians have now made the western half of the Black Sea theirs and are increasingly winning the air war. The shooting down earlier this week of the A-50, a $250 million plane is probably more strategically significant than the sinking of the Moskva and leaves the Russians with massive blind spots. This is even before the F16s have been introduced which looks imminent. The Ukrainians are proving that if they are willing to accept more strikes on their civilian population by moving Patriot batteries forward they can score major successes. The big question is can they move from the current situation of air parity to air supremacy particularly over Crimea. If they can the game may be up for Putin and enabling them to do so is entirely in the west's hands.

Francis Rowe ● 405d

More dodgy that Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 Anna?Whatever Hunter may or may not have done, it would pale into insignificance with Russia's actions.In late February 2014, just days after the end of the Maidan Revolution and Victor Yanukovych’s flight from Kyiv, “little green men”—a term coined by Ukrainians—began seizing key facilities on the Crimean peninsula. The little green men were clearly professional soldiers by their bearing, carried Russian weapons, and wore Russian combat fatigues, but they had no identifying insignia. Vladimir Putin originally denied they were Russian soldiers; that April, he confirmed they were.By early March, the Russian military had control of Crimea. Crimean authorities then proposed a referendum, which was held on March 16. It proved an illegitimate sham. To begin with, the referendum was illegal under Ukrainian law. Moreover, it offered voters two choices: to join Russia, or to restore Crimea’s 1992 constitution, which would have entailed significantly greater autonomy from Kyiv. Those on the peninsula who favored Crimea remaining a part of Ukraine under the current constitutional arrangements found no box to check.The referendum unsurprisingly produced a Soviet-style result: 97 percent allegedly voted to join Russia with a turnout of 83 percent. A true referendum, fairly conducted, might have shown a significant number of Crimean voters in favor of joining Russia. Some 60 percent were ethnic Russians, and many might have concluded their economic situation would be better as a part Russia.

Andrew Jones ● 411d

At the end of the day, I hope the Ukrainian "David" beats the Duchy of Moscovy "Goliath". The Duchy of Moscovy and its near abroad empire, aka Russia, has always been possesive throughout the centuries, from Tsarist and Soviet times to the present post Soviet Putin times. Moscovy took on that psychopathic imperial possessiveness from the Mongol invaders of what is now Belarus, the Duchy of Moscovy (aka Russia) and Ukraine in the 1220s to 1240s. Moscovy acted as lackeys and enforcers for the occupying Mongol overlords.Overtime, Moscovy replaced the the declining Mongols and expanded itself. Before the Mongol invasion, these lands were a loose amalgam of principalitis known as Kievan Rus. The identies of Ukraine, Belarus and Moscovy evolved after the Mongol destruction of Kievan Rus. Moscovy inherited the psychopathic imperial feudal possessiveness of the original Mongal invaders, as shown by Vladimir Putin, its present ruler. MOSCOVY ONLY CAME TO PROMINANCE BECAUSE OF THE MONGOL INVASIONSFor a time during Soviet Socialist Marxist times, Moscovy was an ally of National Socialist Germany, the Ribbentrop Molotov Pact of 23rd August 1939. That started World War Two, so that Moscovy could possess more land for its feudal and imperial leaders. Because Moscovy has had a centuries old history of psychopathic imperial possessiveness, the hope and aim is for the Ukrainian "David" to defeat the Moscovite "Goliath", that uses its own people as cannon foder for its own imperial glory. A defeat for the feudal and imperial Duchy of Moscovy should help make the world a better place at some  time in the future for all.

Anthony Hawran ● 422d

Anna, rather than getting your views from the Twitter accounts of people who have never visited Ukraine, why not speak to some natives of that country.You may not trust what no doubt you call the 'mainstream media' but I know personally a number of people who have reported from Ukraine and can assure you that what you hear on TV channels and in our newspapers is broadly accurate.If doing so is something you can't face then groups of Ukrainian women who are taking refugee in this area regularly meet up at a number of venues across west London. Their meetings are often open to all and they are happy to discuss their country with visitors. By talking to them you will get a much better insight into the situation including the range of views that Ukrainian holds. Some love Zelensky, some support him conditionally, some are optimistic, some are profoundly gloomy. However, on thing that they all seem to be agreed on is that there are only three possible outcomes, Ukrainian victory, Russian victory or a 'forever war' in which the conflict lingers on for generations. I have never met one person from Ukraine who believes that a peace treaty with Putin would be viable because they all recognise he would not be bound by its terms and would use it to rebuild his military for a better planned attack at a later date. You may be celebrating as western support for the country appears to dwindle but if you believe that is a road to the end of the conflict you are very wrong.

Felicity Caborn ● 431d

The implication that the Ukrainians have lost so many men in younger generations that they are being forced to deploy the elderly seems very misleading to me. The country exempts students and fathers with three or more young children so a higher proportion of older men will be drafted. If the attrition was as bad as people are suggesting the average age would be falling as teenagers were being thrown into the front line as soon as they were old enough.That's not to say the scale of loss of life isn't horrific but the important point is that, however bad it is, this doesn't seem to have dented the Ukrainians determination to get all their territory back. Independent polls show resolve strengthening rather than the reverse.I'm no military expert but listen to podcasts by people who are and Janice is right to say that the Ukrainians are making slow but steady progress through the literally millions of mines that have been scattered across their lands.It's hugely disappointing that they didn't make the breakthrough to Melitopol this summer and autumn but this should have been entirely predictable given they lacked the air superiority that is a pre-condition for success in overrunning the carefully prepared defensive lines that the Russians have built.However, this ignores what are perhaps more significant strategic successes over the same period including driving the Russian navy to the eastern fringes of the Black Sea and the bringing into service of long distance missiles which makes and increasing portion of the land they have occupied untenable for the invader.It is going to be a cold hard winter in Crimea even with the land bridge still open in the south and the attrition on supplies, munitions, helicopters and air defence makes the peninsula more vulnerable by the day. The Kerch Bridge is no longer a viable route for large scale supply. Basically the objective of the offensive was to make the logistics of defending Crimea more difficult and that overall aim has been achieved.In the Spring the Ukrainians will be facing a much weaker enemy than they are up against right now and F-16s will be arriving. Partisan activity is on the increase and the Russians are struggling to replace lost equipment. Everyone who would dearly love the Ukrainians to triumph has learned not to be overly optimistic about the future but the suggestion that this war is over is clearly preposterous.

Francis Rowe ● 463d