Latest Ofsted report gives top marks to local school
Elthorne Park High School has moved up from 'Good' to 'Outstanding' and been given a glowing report by Ofsted.
The 1,377 mixed secondary, led by Headteacher Eliot Wong, was inspected 5-6 March this year and inspectors were highly impressed, declaring it to be 'Outstanding' in the majority of categories.
They said ''With very few exceptions, pupils behave impeccably in lessons. Pupils are confident in sharing their views and listening to each other.'
'' The achievement of pupils has improved steadily and significantly in recent years. Pupils leave the school with excellent outcomes across a wide range of subjects.''
'' The headteacher and his senior team lead the school with compassion and ambition. Over several years,leaders have skilfully nurtured a community which is both inclusive and highly aspirational.''
''Across the curriculum and in all year groups, pupils make excellent progress. Progress has been in the top 20% of all schools in the country for each of the last three years.''
The report followed observations and meetings at the school with pupils, teachers and governors. There was evaluation of written work and records as well as consideration given to parent and pupil survey responses.
To improve further the Inspectors want to see standards in the sixth form matching those found across the rest of the school.
But in conclusion they say, '' The school's mission is 'achieving excellence in a learning community'. It fulfils this mission outstandingly well. ''
9th April 2019