So you look your best just in time for the summer?
Then join us WC Monday 18th April , Turnham Green Chiswick High Road for a FREE fitness camp taster week, and find out how you can drop a clothes size in 28 days and up to 12lbs of body fat like our other members did last year. (Only 12 places).
Hello ladies of Chiswick.
It's Dan here from Chiswick Health and Fitness.
Once again we are here at the beginning of the summer and as always, I am putting on a FREE fitness camp taster week for you to try, so you can see how we can help you burn fat, lose weight and tone up quickly just in time for the summer before you miss this window of opportunity!
The middle of April is precisely the time to start turning your attention toward getting in shape and I am here to help make it easy for you!
If you don't like going to the gym or going to indoor stuffy classes on your own and would prefer to be outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine following a structured, effective, results based exercise routine, along with a simple clean eating food plan that easily fits into your life, then the taster week could well be for you.
At taster week you come down and try a whole week of total body fat burning and toning exercise sessions, get to follow a simple clean eating food plan that will have you burning fat and flattening your stomach immediately, and also learn the 7 fundamentals to shaping up for the summer that most don't know.
Then at the end of the week if you love it like those guys did, you will get a chance to join our 28-day summer shape up plan that starts the week after which has our members routinely dropping 1 -2 dress sizes in 28 days and up to 12lbs in body fat.
By the end of May this could be you!
Below are some of our member's success from the 28-day plan last year and some who continued on at fitness camp. (There are more on the sign up page).
They all started at taster week just like you will. Here are the details…
WHEN: w/c Monday 18th April
TIMES: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 6.15am, 9.30am and 7pm (45 minute sessions / choose 3 – 4 slots)
WHERE: Turnham Green, Chiswick High Road
FOR WHO: Ladies of Chiswick who want some help getting in shape quickly for the summer period without having to visit a boring gym or go at it alone. Must like fresh air, sunshine and exercising in a group of people!
FITNESS LEVEL: It is for beginner fitness levels, people getting back into fitness and also people who aren't getting results with their current regime. All exercise sessions are time based to music so you push yourself at your own pace. We use total body weight, cardio drills and core exercise at workouts.
If you would like a real weight loss and tone up kick start for the summer, then this is definitely for you especially if you don't like the gym and want a stress free structured program to follow that's fits in to your life easily.
You turn up to the sessions that week which fit your time preference, do the highly effective workouts that are fun out in the fresh air with other locals, and follow along with our simple clean eating food plan if you choose. I help support you all the way and keep you focused and on track.
If this sounds like what you need then go to now and enter your name and email in the opt in form to get your place.
There are only 12 places available on this April camp and I am not doing another taster week until July. If you are ready to get in shape for the summer now is the time to take action!
Go and enter your details now. As soon as you do your place will be secured and you will get full details and the timetable for the week.
See you very soon!
Dan ;)
PS) Remember all the members that have had success at the fitness camp all started at taster week. Take the first step by entering your details now and I will take care of the rest.
PPS) Any questions please email me at
April 6, 2016