How To Change An Area Of Your Life You Are Unhappy With And Start Creating The Life You Really Want...

FREE 5-day ONLINE mini program by Chiswick Life coach, starts Monday 5 September. Register Now

Hello Chiswick W4 reader,

It’s Daniel James, Life coach here in Chiswick, and On Monday the 5 September, I would like to invite you to a FREE 5-day ONLINE mini program, where you will learn how to “Step Up Your Life”.



Well, if you are currently feeling unhappy in your day to day life, like some thing isn't quite right or missing, and are feeling like you are off track and want to start redirecting and changing your life for the better, then that is it.

Wanting to “Step Up Your Life” begins, when you know you have more potential than you are currently living, and you want to start making positive changes and creating more of the life you really want, because living a happy, fulfilling and meaningful life that's truly you, is more important than carrying on as you are.


Feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, like your life is off track and that you have more potential, is a very real issue for many of us, but very little do anything about.

The problem though, is when you ignore this, it only ends up getting worse over time, and eventually we can get to a point where we realise we have wasted our opportunities and not lived fully.

That's a gut wrenching feeling to have one day, and I believe an unnecessary one, if you decide to “Step Up Your Life” and positively change things now.

It doesn't matter if you are male or female, in your 20's, 40's or 60's, earn £10K or 1M a year, single or married, kids or no kids. If you have that feeling its NOT going away until you start changing something.

This change is what I want to help you with.

Whether you know what you want to change already, but are feeling stuck and need some help moving forward, or you’re not yet sure, and just want to figure it out and get clarity for moving forward, this FREE mini program will help you.



Over 5 days, I am going to show you how to take a step back from your life, figure out what you really want, and what will make you truly happy long term. I will show you how to identify the main issue area in your life right now, and then how to come up with the best way forward to start changing it, and how to turn that into a plan with very achievable first action steps you feel confident and motivated to take.

Confusion becomes clarity, stuck becomes unstuck and frustration becomes freedom to move forward. When you redirect your life to your true values, have a plan and start making progress on it, you instantly feel happier, more fulfilled and your life is more meaningful.

You feel better straight away because you start making progress.

Here’s what the 5 days look like…


Learn a tool to rate how each area of your life is performing at this moment, and which one is REALLY causing the issue, and needs to be worked on first.


Learn how to figure out what you really want in life and your true values. See which ones are currently being met, which ones are being violated, and how to start reorganising your life around them.


Learn how to create a specific goal to get to work on from your issue area that is in line with your true values and motivates you to start taking action.


Learn a technique to identify all the possible options and ways for you to start moving forward so you liberate yourself and get unstuck.


Learn how to create a plan that isn’t overwhelming, and how to organise your weeks with achievable action steps to start making your goal into a reality.

At the end of the working week, you will have a clear process to start creating more of the life you really want, get unstuck and make positive changes.

You may go onto start changing your career, develop a business idea, improve your relationships, manage your time better, improve work life balance, focus on your health, change your environment, master your finances or create a new life direction with more meaning and purpose.

Whatever it is, the important thing is you get kick started, and that is what the FREE mini program is all about. Learning the absolute fundamentals so you know how to start changing your life for the better and start taking action.

(At the end of the week, you will also get details of the step up your life 30-day challenge, where I go into even more detail, give you more tools and we get super focused on moving one area of your life forward quickly).

First though just learn the fundamentals... that might be all you need!


If you feel inspired to “Step Up Your Life” and want to learn how to start changing things the right way, all you need to do is go to and enter your name and email.

As soon as you do your in. Simply wait for the day 1 email to get started.

You can change your life. Things can be better… much better but first you need to decide to take ownership and action to improve things. Ill show you how to do this the right way and quickly.

See you very soon!

PS) Check out how this system has already helped others below. Don't forget to register your place today by visiting the site!

Stopped growing in her career and felt she had lost her inspiration and direction. The program helped her get focused on figuring out what direction she really wanted to go in, and make a plan forward. She started networking and contacting industry bosses. Within 4 weeks she had an interview. She also booked a holiday with her husband, (as she identified they needed more quality time together), and climbed her first peak with her kids age 39!”
Got bored at work and lost his daily excitement. He identified he wasn’t doing work that made him happy so made a big list of all the things he was interested in a went to open evenings / courses / lectures. He trained as a personal trainer and is now running his own successful business earning x2 more money for 50% less work. His wife even got inspired to start making snoods for small dogs as a little business on the side!
Got sick of working in the city and not having time to see her family and pursue the things she wanted most in life. She arranged with the boss to work from home 2 days a week so she could have the full evening off to cook for kids and family. Her goal for the future was to set her own business up so she can move to another country. She picked the area to investigate and is now in talks with different investment companies that will give her the financial freedom to set up her own “giving/helping” business and be able to move away in 3 years.
Shortly after retiring Maggie felt bored and wasn’t fulfilling her dreams and aspirations. She was able to get clear on what she really wanted to do whilst she still had her health and took control of her life and routine. She decided to go travelling and explore the world. She made a 60 before 60 list and since, has learnt the trapeze, done a high tree walk, volunteered working with pandas in China and has just signed up to trek Everest base camp amongst other things.
Identified she wanted to do more to help others less fortunate than her as was low in her “giving” need. She set up a just giving 10K run and managed to raise £4000 in the space of 4 weeks for a cancer charity. They went to present the cheque to the hospital and were able to buy 4 special wheel chairs for kids in need. As this was in another country there is no way they would have been able to afford this on their own as it was a less developed place than the UK.


August 26, 2016

Related links
FREE 5-day ONLINE mini program by Chiswick Life coach