Andrea Carnevali was one of the cinema’s first Founder Members and has become one of their most passionate advocates.
He’s an actively working filmmaker and editor and also co-founded the Chiswick in Film Festival. His Film Club series runs once a month and aims to introduce film technique and history to audiences of all ages.
Cinema is founded on community and the shared enjoyment of a story, so the Film Club aims to foster a growing social club for Chiswick, with the chance to revisit old favourites or debate new releases. All are welcome.
Andrea said:
“ What I am trying to do with this film club is to allow people to see films under a new light. Not just to placing the film into context of the time when it was made, but also trying to allow members to re-discover the film under the lens of the film-makers. Invisible tricks of the trade, technical things which might not be completely apparent on a first watch, but which somehow enhance the viewing experience and subtly make the film work on so many different levels, beyond the simple story and emotional drive of the film itself.
"Did you notice the music (or lack of)? Why was it filmed wide-screen? Did you notice how the camera never cut away? What does the editing trying to do? How is that particular scene staged? What is the art direction doing to enhance the emotions? How does that enhance the feeling of fear, claustrophobia, realism?
"I love pulling the rug out of people’s feet and make them see something they had not noticed and make them realise how a simple cinematic trick can change the feeling of whole film
"My favourite is the one in ET: did you ever notice how Spielberg always keeps his camera a child’s level, cutting off all the grown ups up until the very last act? Is that why we feel so close to the kids? Is this why we are so scared of those shadowy figures (adults)? Is that why no matter how many times we watch that film, it still makes us laugh and cry?”
Upcoming Film Clubs include ‘THE TALENTED MR RIPLEY’ and ‘REAR WINDOW.’ Maximum ticket price £12, Member free tickets apply.
March 20, 2024
The Chiswick Cinema, |