Ealing Planning Committee Concur With Hounslow Over Bedford Park Application
It was decided at this week's Planning Committee meeting of Ealing Borough Councillors to refuse an application for a basement at a home in The Orchard, Bedford Park.
The decision follows one made in March this year by a Planning Inspector when an appeal against the decision of Hounslow Council to refuse a basement in Priory Avenue, also in Bedford Park, was refused.
George Butlin, representing the Bedford Park Society, stressed the historical and architectural importance of the “Garden Suburb” now included in the Bedford Park Conservation area. He said that there is a risk of subsidence and there were serious structural issues.
It was claimed that the lightwells would not harm the character of the area and that the Society’s Design Guide – which prohibits basements – was not yet in force.
Southfield Ward Cllr Harvey Rose summarised the case against the application, which had been recommended for approval by planning officers.
He said that the Bedford Park pioneers had deliberately avoided basements both for social reasons and also because of the uncertain nature of the subsoil in the Bedford Park area.
He pointed out that Ealing officers had expressed the view, following the Hounslow decision, that officers from both boroughs had agreed to act consistently when dealing with basement applications.
Cllr Rose said “This represents a victory for Bedford Park. They way is now open for the formal adoption of the Design Guide which they have been working on for many years.”
August 17, 2007