Spirit group confirms that the pub will be around for at least a year
The Packhorse and Talbot will be with us for at least another year after the Spirit group pub chain confirmed that they have signed a new lease today (15th August).
They will continue to operate the pub under the Taylor Walker brand.
Taylor Walker's Property Manager told ChiswickW4.com earlier in the week, 'The landlord is "testing the water" but we are just about to renew the lease so nothing can happen for another year. Residents could make representation to the local council about the demolition or they could ask for the pub to be made an Asset of Community Value if they are so minded.'
The owners of the site on Chiswick High Road made an application to proceed with the demolition of the pub earlier this month. The building could have been gone by earlier September if the necessary approvals had been received.
Information on the Council's planning pages states that the demolition is for redevelopment. The applicant proposes to undertake the demolition between 8 September and 31 October 2014. When we asked the agent for the site owner for further information they told us that their client's plans for the site would appear on the Council web site in due course.
The applicant is Silus Investments SA who are represented by a firm of solicitors based in the Strand. Unconfirmed reports suggests that the Panama based company owns adjacent plots on Chiswick High Road.
Local amenity groups were considering applying for a listing or having the pub deemed an 'Asset of Community Value' like the Tabard was recently. The latter gives limited extra protection against redevelopment but not as much as listed status. Although the current building was put up in the 20th century there has been a pub on the site since 1650.
The application reference is P/2014/3260 ( 00248/145/DEM1 ). You can give comments on these plans by visiting the Council's planning pages and using this reference to search for the application.
August 15, 2014