England ace introduces a new fun way of exercising and "you don't need to be a great tennis player to do it!"
A new tennis-based workout being rolled out across Esporta’s UK racquets clubs which combines tennis and group aerobic exercise was launched this week by Tim Henman at The Riverside Health and Racquets Club, Chiswick.
Called Cardio Tennis, the programme is suitable for both tennis and non-tennis players, and is a fun group tennis activity set to music where participants are constantly hitting and moving around the court at a level that keeps their heart rates in the cardio-training zone for maximum aerobic benefit.
Taught by Esporta Tennis Professionals and supported by the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA), Cardio Tennis includes warm-up, cardio workout, and cool down phases and commonly lasts for one hour. Using heart rate monitors, participants ensure that they are working at their optimum target heart levels (between 65 to 85 percent of maximum heart rate) and not under or over exerting themselves.
Tim Henman said: “I am delighted to be part of what Esporta is doing as Cardio Tennis is a fun way of exercising, and you don’t need to be a great tennis player to do it. It’s all about keeping your heart rate at the right level while you are having fun on the tennis court. I’m sure it will be a great success.”
Glenn Timms, Esporta’s CEO added: “Group classes help to develop habitual behaviour and enables our members to better achieve their health and wellbeing goals. Cardio Tennis is a great example of this, providing a fun and effective way to burn calories while helping to improve your tennis at the same time.”
June 20, 2008