Funds will go towards installation of new irrigation system
Andy Tucker, Kathleen Healy and Tony Diegman of Dukes Meadows Trust
The Masonian Bowls Club has been awarded a grant of £10,740 by the London Marathon Trust to install an irrigation system on the bowls green at Dukes Meadows.
The club, named after Chiswick businessmen and philanthropists Dan and Charles Mason, is run entirely by volunteers who maintain the green and clubhouse. The irrigation system will help the club become more sustainable by reducing the amount of water used on the green and the time volunteers spend on watering.
Club Secretary Andy Tucker said “We are grateful to the London Marathon Trust for this generous gift which will support the continued success of the club. Also to Kathleen Healy from Dukes Meadows Trust who helped us submit the application. We have had a great relationship with the trust since it established 15 years ago and I am one of its trustees. Back in 2000 the Pavilion building was badly vandalised and in disrepair and we feared for our future. The trust has transformed the building and large areas of the park. Last year they helped us with a membership drive by organising events to attract new members. "
Masonian Bowls Club is a successful club, its membership includes people who play for the England team and it regularly wins tournaments in the Thames Valley and Middlesex leagues. They welcome new members; people can pop into the club, which is right beside the Food Market any Sunday to say hello and ask about joining.
February 15, 2017