Police appeal for Adult Volunteers for new scheme
Hounslow Police are seeking to set up a brand new appropriate adult scheme to assist vulnerable adults detained at Hounslow and Chiswick police station.
What is an appropriate adult?
An Appropriate adult is an independent person who attends custody to assist a person who has been arrested and requires support in facilitation of communication. This will include ensuring they fully understand their legal rights and entitlements, accompanying the detainees during interview and being further present should they be charged.
Appropriate adults are required when the detainee has been identified as being vulnerable; this can be due to scenarios such as mental health or dyslexia.
How often will I be used?
Volunteers who are selected will be placed on a rota system and will work with a scheme co-ordinator. Some volunteers may be able to offer two day a month to be available and others maybe more. This will vary on each person’s personal circumstances and will be flexible. We would want people to be able to commit two shifts a month. (Shift time 0700-5pm & 5pm -11pm)
How will I be called and at what time?
Once placed on a rota your details will be available to the custody staff at both custody suites. If you are shown as being available and an appropriate adult is required you will receive a call from a custody sergeant requesting your assistance. This could be anytime between 7am and 11pm depending on what shift you are shown covering.
Will I receive training?
Yes, all appropriate adults will receives training. The training will consist of an input on the role of an appropriate adult, safety in custody, and an input from MIND and other external support groups. All volunteers will be CRB checked.
How long will I have to do the role?
This is a voluntary role and we are very grateful for any community time which can be given, however due to the time taken to recruit and train we would like people to be able to commit for at least a year.
What do I do next if I am interested?
If you are interested please email Inspector Andy Blackburn providing contact details. Andrew.blackburn@met.police.uk Please provide a contact number. Thank you.
September 24, 2014