Councillor wants changes made to help Turnham Green Terrace traders
A call has been made for Hounslow Council to include part of Chiswick in its scheme to introduce free 'shoppers' parking' to help businesses.
Councillor John Todd says the 30 minutes 'stop and shop' scheme which is being used in other areas of the borough should be introduced to Turnham Green Terrace and he also wants to see changes to the street's early-morning parking charges.
Following pressure from traders, Hounslow Council introduced 'stop and shop' parking in four locations of Isleworth and Heston and the scheme is to be introduced on a trial basis to Brentford and Hounslow West. The scheme offers 30 minutes free parking outside shopping parades.
Councillor John Todd said traders in Turnham Green Terrace were suffering from a drop in footfall as shoppers were reluctant to pay for parking if they need to make a few quick purchases. He said he had asked that Chiswick be included in the scheme last August but heard nothing back from LBH.
He believed parking charges in Turnham Green Terrace should only come in effect from 10am and after that time, shoppers should either have the first 30 mins parking free or pay a minimal charge of 10 pence. After that parking charges would revert to normal.
He has now lobbied the cabinet member with responsibility for parking, Cllr Ed Mayne to request that Chiswick be included in the discussion of 'stop and shop' parking at the cabinet meeting this week.
Hounslow Council says the aim of the 'stop and shop' scheme is to support local shopping parades who claim that they cannot compete with the local supermarkets, many of whom offer free car-parking.
Cllr Todd says he has the backing of his ward councillors and traders in Turnham Green Terrace for the proposal to change parking regulations in the street.
“My suggestion includes a start variation designed to let shoppers pop into shops that open early. There is little parking bay occupation at 7am or later. 10am seems a reasonable option to me for a start," said Cllr Todd.
Cllr Ed Mayne, Hounslow's cabinet member for community safety and regulatory services, said of the new scheme; "We want to work with and support local businesses in smaller community shopping parades to make it easier for them to attract customers and maintain their viability, as well as responding to residents and businesses who have requested a 'stop and shop' scheme in Hounslow West and Brentford.
"Offering 30 minutes' free parking has benefits for both customers and traders, and restricting it to just half an hour before having to pay for a ticket also makes sure that these local parades, which are close to transport links, don't become 'commuter car parks'.
"We're proposing to run this as a six-month trial before bringing another report to cabinet to review how the scheme has worked."
The 'Stop and Shop' initiative is already operating at four locations in Isleworth and Heston. If the proposal for Hounslow West and Brentford is agreed, it will be implemented from next spring
Shopkeepers in Hounslow West submitted a petition requesting the introduction of 30-minutes free parking.
December 1, 2012