The cherry trees blossom on Staveley Road
The blossoms on Staveley Road in Grove Park and other areas of Chiswick are always popular with local photographers.
Andy Murray and Jon Perry sent in a selection of images to remind us of the splendour in our midst. Other readers have also been busy snapping scenes of spring .
Pic-Andy Murray
It is said that the Queen (and the Queen Mother before her) has often diverted her journey while en route from Windsor Castle to Buckingham Palace to view the Staveley Road blossoms. The Cherry Blossom shoe polish factory owned by the Mason brothers was situated in nearby Burlington Lane.
A Murray
A Murray
Full Bloom- pic Jon Perry
The Grove Park Group planted the trough with bulbs donated by Abundance
Enjoying Spring - image of Bedford Park by Jon Perry
Bedford Park Reflections- Jon Perry
Some spring images taken in Chiswick House and Gardens by a reader
Christ Church Turnham Green in the Easter morning sun
Image- Mike Abbott
Do send in any of your favourite images of spring in Chiswick to
April 18, 2014