Sam Hearn's blog about life as a councillor in Chiswick
Cllr Sam Hearn, who represents the Riverside ward in Chiswick, is chairman of the Chiswick Area Forum. He has written this account of his life as a busy local councillor.
Friday -2nd January: Into the Civic Centre to pick up paperwork from my councillor in tray.
Sunday – 4th January: Dusting down my notes on Dame Sybil Penn – The Tudor’s super nanny for my talk at St Paul’s Grove Park Vicarage on 14th January.
Monday – 5th January: Catching up on emails. Need to chase up progress on two urgent issues.
Tuesday – 6th January: Canvassing in Ward with Paul Lynch. Not many people actually at home. Strong feedback from several neighbours about the changes in Loraine Road. On to an Association Trustees meeting.
Wednesday 7th January: Chasing up on issues arising from last Audit Committee. I am still not happy that the Hounslow Homes fraud has been properly understood.
Thursday – 8th January: Interesting conversation with senior officer about two complaints about my forthcoming role chairing an Area Forum meeting to discuss the next steps with the development of an holistic approach to CPZs in the Ward. All a bit “ground-hog day” and a little sad.
To the Café Rouge for a late Christmas dinner with fellow Conservative Councillors. Pleased to bump into Pat Davies celebrating the launch of the Bletchley Girls book which features some of her wartime top secret exploits as a Wartime Wren.
Friday – 9th January: On site again at small social housing project. Lunch in the Chilterns.
January 9, 2015