'Peace in War'

A Chiswick Churches for Justice and Peace discussion

Chiswick Churches for Justice and Peace (CCJP) will be holding an important event on Oct 20 th 2016 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall at Our Lady of Grace, Duke’s Avenue, W4 2AE.

logo of Peace in War organisation

They are inviting people to an evening’s discussion on the continuing topic of “Peace in War” and the theme will be “Conscience and Choices”. This was the 3rd “Peace in War” event linked to the centenary of WW1 and organised by the CCJP. You can hear local resident Simon Rodway's interview on chiswickbuzz tv.

The introduction of conscription in 1916, the right to be a conscientious objector and the full horrors of war evidenced by the Battle of the Somme were all milestones that are sadly reflected in events today.

Torin Douglas

There will be 5 speakers from leading organisations. The evening will be chaired by Torin Douglas, formerly BBC media correspondent. The international TV journalist, Rageh Omaar will talk of his experiences of reporting on war. The international director of the Red Cross will be talking about the role of that charity in war.

Rageh Omaar of ITV

Deiniol Morgan, an army chaplain from Sandhurst, will speak about moral and spiritual guidance for military forces in combat locations, and a peace activist and Quaker speaker, Patricia Cockrell, will give her views on conscientious objection and the power of non-violence to transform conflict.

There will then be an interval for refreshments followed by some WW1 poetry read by BBC journalist Fergal Keane and then questions from the floor.

Local MP, Ruth Cadbury, will give final thoughts.

For further information please visit CCJP’s Peace in War website, www.peaceinwar.org.

October 20, 2016