Tarmac to be retained and trouble looms over Heritage Fringe status
The campaign by residents of Station Gardens to be designated a s ‘Heritage Fringe’ in order to retain paving stones instead of the current asphalt, appears to have fallen on deaf ears. The Council has reiterated that it does not quality as Conservation Area or Heritage Area as established by the LBH Conservation Team.
A Council official told the Chiswick Area Forum (CAF) recently that they have reviewed the Station Gardens issue and there are no plans to restore the paving. The Council has agreed that the kerbs will be replaced as at present refuse lorries drive over them and destroy the grass. A 128 strong petition was gathered from residents of the street and their close neighbours arguing for the original paving to be put back.
Council officials had agreed that areas designated Heritage Fringe (adjacent to conservation areas) will be allowed to retain their paving stones when Hounslow Highways is carrying out works - however it is still unclear exactly which areas of Chiswick are designated Heritage Fringe.
According to Andy Murray of the Grove Park Group, this confusion is likely to lead to future difficulties and potentially angry residents. The Council's new map shows all of Chiswick Village and some streets in Strand on the Green as neither CA or HF, he said. It was difficult to distinguish the relevant areas on the Council's current map as it was not available in high resolution. This could mean that the first residents know about changes is when they find the pavements being covered in asphalt, which is likely to lead to anger, he said.
Pic-Andy Murray
Mary Macleod with Councillors Sam Hearn, Felicity Barwood and Station Gardens residents
Mary Macleod said on a recent visit to the area : ‘Hounslow Highways has done a terrible job at Station Gardens. The investments into roads and pavements across the Borough from the PFI contract were meant to improve the local street scene. On this street the local infrastructure has actually been degraded.
Station Gardens before the changes
Station Gardens now
March 27, 2014