Free Wednesday morning sessions with local Buddhist monk
Morning Mindfulness before Work is a new idea to help people destress on their way to work. The free classes will be held upstairs at the Trinity Cafe, 6 Bedford Road, near Turnham Green Tube starting on Wednesday, 11 July.
It will run for four Wednesdays- 11, 18, 25 July and 1st August starting at 7.30am for 30 minutes.
It is open to people who are beginners or experienced with mindfulness or meditation. It is free, due to the generous support of the owner Tommy. Many mindfulness courses are set up by people who have very little training or experience.
However, learning mindfulness from a very deep pracitioner, like a Monk, is the best possible introduction and is often offered freely, as in this instance. The mindfulness will be taught by a Young Monk from the Local Vihara, Bhante Pannavamsa. However, it will be a secular class - no Buddhism will be taught, just mindfulness techniques.
For more information contact
July 7, 2018