Hand in petition asking for Royal Mail to reconsider Bollo Lane move
Ruth Cadbury MP along with Labour Candidates for the 3 May local election – John Stroud-Turp, Ruth Mayorcas and Sally Malin – have handed in a petition, to the Royal Mail CEO in Blackfriars, asking them to reconsider the closure of the Chiswick sorting and parcel collection office.
The petition was organised by the Chiswick Branch of the Labour party and collected over 400 signatures from Chiswick residents concerned at the planned move of the sorting office and parcel office to Bollo Lane.
If the move goes ahead local residents will no longer be able to collect their parcels from the High Road Post Office. There is local concern that this will have a detrimental impact on elderly and disabled residents who will find it difficult to access the relocated sorting office on public transport. It will mean residents have to drive to Bollo Lane, rather than walk to the Chiswick office which is centrally located.
It will also mean that local postal delivery staff will
no longer be able to walk from the office to deliver mail but will instead
have to be dropped by vans around Chiswick – contributing to more traffic
on the roads.
April 27, 2018