Chiswick Farmers Market

Popular local attraction takes place each Sunday

Dukes Meadows Trust have established a regular farmers' market in the yard in front of the Masonian Bowls Club on Dukes Meadow. This is a particularly apt place for such a market since the building used to be the stores for the market gardens which once thrived in the area. It provides a regular stream of revenue, opening up a range of new possibilities for the charity to improve the Meadows.

The market is held on Sundays from 10am to 2pm and can be reached from the path beside Cavendish School or from Edensor Road through Promenade Approach.

Farmers' markets offer farmers and producers a chance to sell directly to the public, gaining a better price for their produce. Customers benefit from being able to buy food which has been produced for quality and flavour, and which is picked only hours before being sold. They can also find out exactly how the food was produced, as they will be buying it from the farmer. Meat, cheeses, vegetables and fruit, will be available at the market as well as variety apple juices and a range of organic products.

Local Authorities have been targeted with encouraging these kinds of markets, as part of their Local Agenda 21 obligation to develop local food links. The markets are positive environmentally since food is not being transported over large distances.

For more information regarding the Dukes Meadows Trust or the Farmers Market phone 020 8742 2225.

July 13, 2009