Shakespeare’s Comic Masterpiece at Tabard Theatre

The Faction presents their version of Twelfth Night

Following the success of Richard III and Macbeth, The Faction returns with their exciting new production of Shakespeare’s comic masterpiece staged in, on, over, under, around and through a grand piano.

The Faction, an independent, unsubsidised theatre company dedicated to innovative revivals of classical texts, is already earning a reputation for combining clarity of storytelling with a visual inventiveness that is fast becoming their trademark.

Here, a grand piano – the only piece of set – transforms into a driving boat, a box tree, a dark house of imprisonment and anything else the company needs to tell the Shakespeare’s classic tale.

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September 18, 2009

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22nd September - 10th October

Tuesdays – Saturdays 7.30PM
Sunday matinee 5PM

Tabard Theatre, 2 Bath Road, London W4 1LW

Tickets: £14, £12. Box office: 08448 472 264