In the footsteps of Queen Elizabeth's astrologer
A free talk is to be given at Chiswick Library this month about Elizabethan astrologer John Dee.
There is a hidden history of Elizabethan England. Astrology, magic and alchemy, all practices far from mainstream science today were believed and trusted by princes and politicians. In the 1580s one man would call upon these ancient arts to guide Elizabeth I through some of the most momentous events of her reign. His name was John Dee and this talk, by William Bird, will be a glimpse into his world of secrets and sorcery.
John Dee lived in Mortlake and a plaque marking the spot where his house was can still be seen as you walk by the river.
The talk takes place on Monday 24 April at 7pm.
Chiswick Library’s phone number is 020 8994 1008.
April 15, 2017