Police offer support for residents for whom Halloween proves a nightmare
With Halloween upon us again this week, Chiswick Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be on duty until midnight on Wednesday 31st October in order to deal with unwanted 'trick or treaters' (other than the genuine children with accompanying adult).
Chiswick's Inspector Dave Osbourne said "Your local SNT will endeavor to respond to calls for police assistance that are not an emergency and are relating to 'trick or treaters' or fireworks being thrown in the street by youths etc.”
He continued “Should residents wish to deter any unwanted callers to their doors a poster is available to display on your doors and windows. A copy of the Halloween Code with guidelines regarding 'trick or treating' is also available from the Police station."
"If you need to contact Turnham Green, Homefields or Riverside Wards on Halloween night, please contact 0208 247 6415 and a member of the Safer Neighbourhood Teams will assist you. In the event that any incident needs an immediate police response, then the '999' system should be used".
Tips for a safe Halloween:
If you do decide to go trick or treating respect the wishes of any household displaying a ‘No Trick or Treat’ poster. It’s there for a reason!
When trick or treating you should also stay as safe as possible by following the ‘Halloween Code’:
October 30, 2007