Raising funds for Shooting Star Chase at the Chiswick Business Park fireworks
The Shooting Star Chase Fire Walk invites people the chance to test their courage on Thursday 3 November at Chiswick Business Park.So far the Fire Walk has seen 160 fearless folk raise a scorching £48,000 and it is hoped this year’s event will raise a further £20,000.
You don’t need any experience, just a big dose of courage. This thrilling event will put your bravery - and the soles of your feet - to the test as you walk over hot coals up to 1200°F.
The Firewalk takes place at the same time as the annual Fireworks Extravanza at the business park.
For more information or to sign up, visit shootingstarchase.org.uk/firewalk or call 01932 823115. Registration fee is £25.
October 28, 2016