New Patrol Boats Help Protect The Thames

Port of London Authority and Thames Strategy unite to safeguard local stretch of river

“The launch of any boat on The Thames is a special occasion. It is a significant occasion when there are two boats being launched on the same day by the same owner.

"It is historic when the owners are the Port of London Authority. Thames Strategy - Kew to Chelsea warmly welcomes the two new patrol boats; Chelsea & Richmond launched on Friday 12th October.” Said Trenton Oldfield, TSKC’s Coordinator

The Port of London Authority (PLA) is one of the Thames Strategy – Kew to Chelsea’s (TSKC) eleven partners. TSKC works everyday to deliver projects that protect and enhance The River Thames and its environment and the PLA has been critical to the delivery end of many of the projects.

TSKC has for the past five years been raising the profile of the specific nature and character of these London Thames reaches. TSKC has highlighted the heavy use of the river by recreational users, such as rowers, sailors, canoeists and houseboat owners. These reaches are also important riverside habitats, increasingly rich in bio-diversity. TSKC is delighted that the PLA is responding by commissioning two boats that have been specifically designed to meet the needs of the area.

The PLA commissioned Ecocats Limited to build the two new patrol launches. The novel design of the Ecocat hull will allow patrolling and, when necessary, high speed response to be made with a substantial reduction in wash wave height and energy, compared to existing patrol launches. This helps the PLA to serve river users better in the upper tidal Thames and also conserves the environment of the river. The PLA commissioned a special research project on vessel wash by Southampton University which helped inform the innovative design.

Both Cllr Lynch and Trenton Oldfield went to the launch passengers onboard Daphne IV – as guests of Peter Makower of the West London River Group

Cllr Paul Lynch attended the event on behalf of the leader of Hounslow, Cllr Peter Thompson and said "It was a great pleasure and a privilege for me to attend the naming of the new patrol boats. The Thames is very important to us all in the Borough of Hounslow, and the Council is fully behind measures which improve safety, water quality and the environment. The new boats will contribute to all of these. I travelled by boat to emphasise that Hounslow Council is keen to get more of us on the water."

October 17, 2007


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On board Daphne IV – Cllr Paul Lynch, Peter Makower (pilot and West London River Group) and Trenton Oldfield (Thames Strategy – Kew to Chelsea)