Is this all there is?

Alpha Course provides opportunity to ask this and other fundamental questions

Frustrated with the pressures of modern life? Are you wondering Is This It? Does God Exist? What is the meaning of life? If you answer Yes, No or Maybe to any of these questions, read on.

Starting on Tuesday 15th September at 7.15pm and over the following nine weeks, the Alpha course at Christ Church, Turnham Green provides the opportunity to ask these and other fundamental questions in a relaxed, informal and non-threatening environment.

The Alpha course is designed primarily for people who aren’t churchgoers (or for Christians who want to re-fresh their faith), each course is open to everyone who would like to attend. Alpha is a relaxed and informal way to find out more about the Christian faith – it makes Christianity relevant to modern life. We get to know each other over a meal, hear a talk on one aspect of Jesus and what it means to be a follower of his, and end with a chance to ask questions and discuss what we have heard.

Over 2.5 million people in the UK and 13 million worldwide have now attended an Alpha course which is running in tens of thousands of churches of all denominations across the world.

We'd love to welcome you on to this next course. Please phone Christ Church on 020 8995 7381 for more details. There is no charge for the Alpha course (although we would appreciate a contribution towards expenses).

If you would like to know more about Alpha why not visit the official Alpha web site at

Devised in the UK, the Alpha course is supported by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and by leaders of all the main denominations. Alpha is a 15-session practical introduction to the Christian faith designed primarily for non-churchgoers and new Christians and is being run by churches of every denomination. Most courses take place in the evening with a meal followed by a talk central to the Christian faith. After the talk, participants divide into groups of about ten or twelve people to discuss the talk in an environment where each person is free to ask or express whatever they wish.


September 3, 2009


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