Chiswick Christmas lights

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Fortune Magazine describes Chiswick as "Scrooge City" because of reaction to American's Christmas decorations

What started as a minor dispute between neighbours is threatening to turn into a major(-ish) international incident with Fortune magazine taking up cudgels on behalf of Frank "the Yank" Nevik and his montage of plastic Christmas characters.

Frank decided to bring a traditional American Christmas display to his house in Chiswick.

As h e related on the discussion forum,

"Back when I lived in the US, I used to put out a four foot tall plastic Santa that lit up and played 'Jingle Bells' and 'White Christmas.' Over the years, I added a snowman, and a sled with four little reindeer, including Rudolph. They all light up and it was all very festive."

Although from this description it is impossible to imagine why, some of his neighbours objected to the display, saying that it was not the done thing in Chiswick. Now Santa has been banished to the back garden and the snowman has ended up in the bathroom. There is no word as yet of the reindeer.

The incident attracted the attention of Justin Fox (yes Fox - we are not making this up), the Chiswick-based London correspondent of Fortune magazine. In an article entitled "Scrooge City" he describes how the signs of the season are hard to find in these parts with little Christmas display on shops or homes in the city of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". To make matters worse he describes Chiswick as a "semi-suburb".

He blasts the anti-Christmas-light bias saying:

"What a load of humbug. If the British could boast an impressive indigenous Christmas tradition, like the Scandinavians, I could understand them being up in arms about tacky American-style Santas. But they can't! In fact, the main U.K.-specific Christmas traditions that I've discerned are listening repeatedly to Slade's egregious 1973 hit, "Merry Xmas Everybody," and watching endless hours of telly."

The article comes at a sensitive time for Chiswick-US relations just one week after the revelation that an attempt was being made to stop Starbucks opening on the High Road.

Merry Christmas Everbody!

December 23 , 2001

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Previous trouble with Foxes in Chiswick

Santa Claus - the Chiswick Connection

Why no lights for Chiswick High Road