Concerns now being expressed about the impact on parking of new football stadium
The proposed large developments near Chiswick, including the Lionel Road football stadium in Brentford have led to more residents in Grove Park asking for controlled parking regulations to be considered.
Despite deciding some years ago to reject Controlled Parking for Grove Park as a whole, it now looks as is much of the area is likely to get a parking scheme over the next few years as more streets 'opt in' because of parking 'creep'. However, there still remain many residents in the area who are opposed to a CPZ and it has proved to be a divisive issue.
Residents in some streets in Strand on the Green have now voiced concern over the potential impact on parking from the new Brentford FC stadium.
At a special meeting of the Chiswick Area Forum to discuss the results of the recent parking consultation all nine local councillors voted to extend the existing Park Road/Staveley Road CPZ to now include Elmwood Road and other nearby streets. Statutory consultation on the extensions will know be held ahead of works actually starting.
The scheme will extend to streets including Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield Road, Eastbourne Road, Elmwood Road, Lawford Road, Milnthorpe Road and Staveley Road (between Park Road and Sutton Court Road).The residents of Sutton Lane South were also to be included, as the proximity to Elmwood Road CPZ would create problems for future parking management.
It was decided to begin a special CPZ 'lite' consultation, as one councillor described it, for a new ‘stand- alone’ CPZ with all the residents and businesses in Strand on the Green. Officers will revisit their original proposals for Oliver's Close, the only street whose residents did not want to be included in a CPZ according to a recent consultation in the Riverside ward.
It was also agreed (on an amended point) that a further review consultation would take place to the streets west of Sutton Court Road and north of the Mainline Railway.
The special meeting, which was attended by Hounslow Council Transport Planning key officers Mark Frost and Carolyn Stanyon, was chaired by Cllr Gerald McGregor, who commented tha there was a high level of input, and that the degree of concern and the openness of the meeting contributed to a lively response.
Concerns were raised about traffic levels and speed, cost of the zones and parking hours, parking displacement and the changes that were likely to affect families with small children and those who relied on private transport.
The controversial issue of CPZ for Grove Park all began when Cllr Ed Mayne (who then held responsibility for parking) allowed a temporary CPZ in Park Road and Staveley Road east following the introduction of parking charges in the Chiswick House Car Park.
After that, several other streets asked for CPZs to be considered for their areas due to congestion from displacement parking. However, there still remain residents who are totally opposed to a CPZ.
November 20, 2015