Scheme to cover South Parade, The Avenue, Acton Lane and Southfield Road
Ealing Council is planning to turn many of the main roads in the north of Chiswick into a 20 mph zone.
The roads affected would be South Parade, The Avenue, Acton Lane, and Southfield Road.
After lobbying from local Liberal Democrat Councillors, the Council have agreed to hold a consultation on the matter across the Southfield reduce road traffic accidents. Your Councillors have gained a comittment to have a ward wide consultation on the matter.
Local Lib Dem activist Gary Busuttil commented: "We want to hear your views on this matter. At the Ward Forum meeting which takes place on 12th June from 7.30pm at Acton Green Church, Cunnington Street, we have invited a Council officer who should be able to give you more information about the proposals as well as answering any questions you might have. Do come along."
Details about the plan and the consultation have yet to be published online by the Council.
May 31, 2013