Developer appears to have pulled out as 'car park' up for sale
Mystery surrounds the latest developments at the Chiswick Village apartment complex where residents previously lost their campaign to prevent plans for a new development of flats.
The proposal to build a five storey block of 11 two-bedroom flats in a former car-park was approved by Hounslow Council's Planning Committee last year.
However it appears that the first company to bid for this site, Octavia, has now pulled out and a second, as yet unnamed, company have made a bid to buy it along with the permission to build the flats.
An advertisement was spotted on the Knight Frank website for "A Freehold Development opportunity, the north-east car park at Chiswick Village. "
It was described as a "redundant car park", a description which some locals have taken issue with according to the Twitter page for the Chiswick Village Residents. "Seems like @Octavia_Housing are out of the picture. BTW when is a car park ever ‘redundant’ in London?"
Chiswick Village Residents (owners of the freehold of the 15 residential blocks,) last described the proposed development as "speculation and profiteering" and said they had been fighting off plans for seventeen years.
The proposed development site is an existing car park that is secured by condition of a planning permission as car parking for the Chiswick Village Estate to mitigate for the previous loss of parking.
Residents had raised several concerns, including design, parking, traffic, disruption and harm to living conditions. They also objected to the proposed underground car park.
Planning permission , granted on appeal in 2015, gave consent for an additional unit to the roof of each block (15 in total) The current proposal sought demolition and re-build of the garages to the south of the site to provide 19 secure parking garages. This application was refused in August 2014 and overturned on appeal in August 2015.
The car park advertised for sale currently, is the north-east of the site.
April 22, 2018