Another Planning Appeal Being Made Over Controversial Aparthotel

Locals continue fight against increase in size from initial plan

The building to be demolished on Windmill RoadThe building which was proposed to be demolished on Windmill Road. Photo: Google Streetview

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The developers of a controversial aparthotel in Windhill Road are taking their case to the Planning Inspectorate, following the latest rejection of their plan to extend accommodation on the site. They have proposed to build an extra storey and bring the level of apartments up to 94, instead of 86.

Local people are campaigning against the development.

Last January planning permission was sought for a extension to the controversial aparthotel in Windmill Road which would increase the number of bedrooms from 78 to 86. This brings the development back to the original number of rooms sought.

The application to Hounslow Council said this would be
achieved through the relocation of plant and staff facilities within the basement as well as the reconfiguration of previously approved bedroom layouts.

Two of the larger bedrooms to the north of the rear wing had been divided into three on every level except the third floor. One existing room was also removed from the proposals
to accommodate relocated office space at ground floor level.

The plan to develop the aparthotel was given the go-ahead at a planning appeal. It had been turned down by Hounslow Council planners two years ago and fiercely opposed by locals.

Residents had opposed the plan (Ref 01218/10/P11) on the grounds that a proposal to build such a large number of ( 85 then 78, now 94 ) apartments would create a high density population in a quiet street of mainly terraced cottages. They were also concerned about noise and traffic. They said it would change the character of Windmill Road forever.

Artist's impression of what the new building might look like

The developers propose demolition of the existing building to build a three-storey plus lower ground storey and set-back fourth storey building. There is also a shared surface loading bay and a disabled parking bay.

Hounslow Council's planning officers had turned down the application in 2016 saying that the scale of the proposal was "excessive" for the size of the site and it would have an adverse impact on living conditions for nearby residents.

The owners of the site, Lamington UK, specialise in serviced apartments and rentals in West London for business and leisure guests. They own and manage similar facilities in Fulham, Brook Green and Hammersmith.

The developers appealed their case for an aparthotel while concurrently putting forward a planning application to build apartments on the site as a back-up plan, Hounslow Council planners turned down their application but in the same week, Lamington won its appeal at the Planning Inspectorate, meaning the aparthotel plan could go ahead. The inspector found that this would be preferable in terms of its impact than a full-time residential development. You can read the appeal result here in full.

An aparthotel is a hybrid hotel complex that provides for self catering visitors, typically business people on short term lets, or tourists

Some residents had their preference would have been for a previous plan for the site, which would have seen six town houses built there. Several local people live in terraced cottages nearby which they say will be completely dominated by the new development.

The car park beyond the one outside Marks & Spencers will be part of the siteThe car park beyond the one outside Marks & Spencer was to be part of the site. Picture: Google Streetview

September 14, 2019