Consultation on controlled parking near Chiswick House angers councillors
A row has blown up over a proposal to consult local residents about the introduction of controlled parking in the Grove Park area which borders Chiswick House and Gardens. The issue of CPZ is a contentious one in Grove Park and was opposed by residents after consultation last year.
The consultation proposed by Cllr Ed Mayne, the Hounslow Council cabinet member for parking, who represents the Isleworth ward, is linked to a plan to introduce charges for parking in Chiswick House grounds car-park. The introduction of car parking charges there was agreed by the Chiswick Area Committee last November but has not yet been implemented.
But Cllr Mayne says he is concerned that commuters who currently use the free parking in Chiswick House will relocate to nearby streets such as Park Road. Residents in Park Road and Staveley Road are now being consulted on the possible introduction of CPZ in Park Road, and the part of Staveley Road between Burlington Lane and Park Rd , as well as Fitzroy Crescent.
Cllr. Robert Oulds
But an angry Councillor Robert Oulds, who is chairman of the Chiswick Area Committee, said such a consultation was " unnecessary and a waste of public money". The issue of CPZ in Grove Park as a whole had been rejected already .
He added that it was " inappropriate" for a councillor who doesn't represent a ward to be imposing something which was completely against the wishes of the local councillors and the residents in that particular area.
It ignored the fact that a similar scheme was overwhelmingly rejected by Grove Park residents last year. At present many visitors to Chiswick House Grounds are currently forced to park in the surrounding strets because commuters are taking up all the parking spaces in the Chiswick House Car Park.
In the meantime, Hounslow Council, and Chiswick House were not getting the benefits from the revenue which would be gained by introducing car-park charges in Chiswick House which were agreed last November. The technology has been in place for some time.
Cllr Mayne has agreed to attend the next meeting of the Chiswick Area Committee on July 11th to debate the matter and Chiswick councillors are hoping that they can win him round.
July 4, 2012