Describes standards in Bollo Lane flats as shambolic
Local MP Rupa Huq has written a strongly worded letter to an affordable housing landlord in Chiswick after a string of complaints from tenants.
The representative for Ealing Central and Acton visited the One Housing Group’s property on Bollo Lane earlier this month after being contacted by her constituents about ongoing issues at the development. Clean running water has only recently been restored to the apartment blocks but that hasn’t ended the problems.
Dr Huq said in her letter to Matthew Saye of Group Director of Housing Services at One Housing group, “Residents have reported to me that water has been found to be ‘running down the walls’ due to areas of the roof being exposed. Surely this is an environmental hazard which puts residents’ safety and even their health at risk.”
Even more alarming, she says, is the sporadic operation of the lifts which have on a number of occasions trapped residents inside after a failure of their operation. Just two days after her visit a resident had to be freed by the fire brigade.
Other ongoing issues have been raised such as the failure of One Housing Group to acknowledge problems with pest control. One resident has described the group’s service as non-existence.
Dr Huq urged One Housing to arrange a meeting with the Bollo Lane Tenants’ and Residents’ Association which she offered to attend, parliamentary business allowing.
Robert Marcantoni, Director - Portfolio Management at One Housing said, “I would like to apologise to the residents for the disruption they have faced. I am pleased to say that we have now completed our initial repairs and further preventative works have been scheduled. We have written to our residents and reiterated the repair reporting process to help us deliver a more efficient response in future. We will also be attending a meeting with residents to listen to their feedback.”
One Housing say that they did provide a full update to residents earlier this week and that since this has been sent works have been completed to the power supply, lifts, water supply and other systems.
August 18, 2018