Hartington Court Under Threat Again
Development plans resubmitted for 1930's Art Deco riverside block

A resident's association has launched a website to protest against controversial plans to redevelop their 1930's Art Deco block.
Situated on the banks of the Thames, plans for Hartington Court were recently re-submitted by the property's freeholder, permission had been previously refused on the original development plans.
The resident's association believes the new plans, which include the addition of further floors to create 14 new flats, will result in the loss of green space and over development of the riverside.
They have written to Hounslow's Planning Officer to express their objection to the development proposals and request that the scheme should be refused on the following grounds:
- Car Parking - The development proposes insufficient car parking and residents would have to park on Hartington Road. This will be a traffic hazard and a danger to pedestrians.
- Green space - The scheme in its present form should be refused because the additional parking would result in the loss of green space.
- Major disruption to a residential area and to residents during construction.
- Grove Park Conservation Area provides a statutory duty to preserve and/or enhance the architectural and historic character of the area The building is not yet listed, but soon may be.
- It is set in the Grove Park Conservation Area, which borders the Strand on the Green Conservation Area, forming an unbroken stretch of protected landscape and riverscape.
- Hartington Court is next to a listed building - to significantly and totally disproportionately raise the height of the boathouse block would destroy the balance of the existing design.
- Hartington Court is locally listed by LB Hounslow as a Building of Local Townscape Character.
- The Thames Policy Area/Blue Ribbon Network - the proposed change would seriously damage a very valuable green stretch of river.
- Views from across and along the Thames would be affected - The bulk of the proposed development is out of proportion both to itself and to the surrounding buildings. Currently from the Thames tow path the public can view the St Paul's church spire as part of the historic riverside landscape. This view would be lost with the additional floors.
To express your views on the plans go to www.hartingtoncourt.com
September 19, 2006