The Fantastic Herons take flight

Stunning new sculpture unveiled on Dukes Meadows

Local MP, Ann Keen, unveiled a spectacular new sculpture created entirely from recycled materials.

"The Fantastic Herons", named by Hope Gourde, age 9, from Cavendish Primary School, was funded by Singapore Airlines who held a series of art workshops with the school, together with the environmenttal charity Thames 21 and Friends of Dukes Meadows and head teacher Mrs Barbara Rigby.

Under the guidance of specialist artist Kevin Herlihy the children made nests, leaves and creatures for the sculpture.

The sculpture will be a permanent feature on the Plateau at Dukes Meadows and is designed to enhance the local environment

Raja Segan, General Manager UK/Ireland for Chiswick-based Singapore Airlines, said: "We are privileged to have been involved in the "Fantastic Herons" sculpture and the young people involved should be proud of their work.

"The sculpture is a tribute to their creativity and reflects their desire to make a positive contribution to thier community and surroundings"

July 2, 2004