Police have made nearly twenty arrests
Nearly twenty arrests for shoplifting, fraud and related offences have been made since the Turnham Green Radio Llink was introduced to some local shops in Chiswick.
The Safer Neighbourhood Team in Turnham Green said they are pleased at how effective the shop link radios have been since they were launched six months ago.
The radio link gives immediate access from the shop to police and means that suspicious behaviour can be reported immediately by staff to other shops and to the police who can take action.
In an example of how beneficial the shop link can be, the police said:
“ During the week two shops circulated a group of three males who were acting suspiciously. The males were identified by other shop staff who had seen them going in and out of numerous shops. They were then seen to leave Tesco's in a hurry and were watched by shop staff, who directed police units to them.
The males were stopped and found to have a large quantity of expensive coffee in their possession. Officers made enquiries with Tesco staff, who confirmed it was stolen. Subsequently all three were arrested for theft.
PCSO Spilsbury of Turnham Green SNT regularly completes a roll call with the shops to confirm they are open and listening to their radios. Local shop staff have stated they feel safer and are more confident in contacting their local SNT team.
June 6, 2012