Security Upgrade For Turnham Green Terrace
Move in response to spate of smash and grab robberies
Chiswick Town Centre Stakeholder Group is funding security improvements
for shops in Turnham Green Terrace.
The award of financial help for the shops followed a spate of burglaries
in the area during which bricks were thrown through glazed shop doors
in order to enter and steal property from within.
The offer of free installation of a clear plastic laminate to glazed doors
and some windows was made to all shopkeepers in the road. HI-Secure Ltd
who reduced their prices by 25% to support this local initiative, undertook
the work. The laminate is not designed to prevent the window breaking
but keeps the window in the frame to prevent forced entry.
The Town Centre Group is made up of representatives from Police, London
Borough of Hounslow, Local Residents and Chiswick Business Association.
The group has also funded initiatives combating graffiti and promoting
The Thumbprint Scheme, which combats fraud
in shops.
PC Phillips, Crime Prevention Officer said “ although this is a fairly modest scheme, we have targeted our available finances at the area which will benefit the most. We hope to bid for more money in the coming financial year to reduce the opportunity for crime in the Town Centre”
20, 2004