Targeting local hotspots, boys on bikes and gang related activities
In their efforts to make Chiswick a safer place for residents, visitors and those that wo k within the borough, local police have launched an anti-street crime operation.
The initiative will last for two weeks after analysis identified key areas across the Borough including Chiswick where street and gang related activities are key issues. The operation will target known offenders utilising both overt and covert methods.
Chiswick’s Inspector Dave Osbourne told “This is a borough wide plan which is taking place over two weeks to address street robbery which has been a problem over this period in previous years.
“In Chiswick we will be increasing patrols in previously identified hotspots and will be proactively using stop and search powers. From witness accounts we know that the suspects are often boys on bikes, so we will also be tackling those who show disregard for other road users whilst cycling by concentrating on cycle enforcement and issuing fixed penalty notices in appropriate cases.”
The key aim is prevention and detection of crime which will involve the pro-active use of 'stop and account' in tandem with a range of other measures. The community will see increased focused activity in the area and are encouraged to contact Police with any information that could assist in the prevention and detection of crime.
If you witness a crime taking place, please contact 999 or have information that could assist Police and wish to remain anonymous, you can contact 'Crimestoppers' on 0800 555 111.
May 23, 2008