Police concerned with increase in thefts and issue crime prevention advice
Local Police have expressed concern at an increase of residential burglaries where vehicles have been stolen.
Of the total number of these incidents across the borough since the beginning of the year, more than a third have occured in Chiswick.
DI Jeff Minns told ChiswickW4.com "Three of these were flats. There was no sign of forced entry to the main communal doors, so they were probably slipped or picked. The individual flat doors were forced or smashed.
"The other incidents were detached houses. Again there was no sign of forced entry externally. Likely entry points were rear downstairs windows or doors that were unsecured / unlocked."
The roads in which these occured are Windmill Road, Wellesly Road, Eastbury Grove, Silver Crescent, Park Road, Eastbourne Road and Bolton Road.
DI Jeff Minns' advice is:
Anyone witnesses or anyone with information regarding any of these thefts is asked to call Hounslow CID in confidence on 0208 247 6160/5940 or Crime Stoppers 0800 5551111 anonymously.
March 13, 2008