Motorists report spate of tax disc and number plate thefts
The majority of motorists are all too aware that if they leave property on display in their vehicles, they significantly increase the risk of being broken into.
However, a recent spate of tax disc and registration number plates leaves vehicle owners with little option for protecting their vehicle's security.
Any vehicle used or kept on a public road is required, by law, to display a valid vehicle tax disc meaning motorists have no option but to keep the disc in full view.
Police report that there have been eleven thefts in the past two weeks occurring mainly overnight on or close to the High Road with smashing windows being the chief point of entry.
Anyone with any information regarding these offences is asked to call Hounslow Vehicle Investigation Team on 0208 247 5940 or Crime Stoppers anonymously 0800 555 111.
May 3, 2007