Unions Reveal Massive Hike In Day Care Charges For Elderly

And organise lobby against these and other budget cuts at Borough Council Meeting

Trade Union members working for Hounslow Council have revealed the impact of closing Chiswick Day Care Centre will have the finances of the elderly.

The current charge for attending the Day Care Centre is £3.90 per day. This will rise to between £25 to £51 per day for attending the Heston Day Centre, the only Council run alternative should the Chiswick Day Centre close.

"All the charges, old and new, are means tested and not everyone has to pay however, these charges will make it impossible for some people to attend day services", said a Union spokeswoman.

The Unions lobbied against these and other cuts at the full meeting of Hounslow Council to be held at The Civic Centre, Hounslow at 6.00pm on Tuesday 1st March.

Following a formal complaint received by Hounslow Council's Health & Adult Care Scrutiny Panel from a service user and concerns and questions raised by Councillors on behalf of service users, the Chair of the Panel, Cllr Rajawat, has requested a special meeting to consider the closure of Chiswick and Bedfont Day Centres. An invitation has been sent to all members of the Panel, made up of both Labour and Conservative Councillors, to attend the meeting. Members of the community along with key stakeholders such as Carers UK and Age Concern are also being invited to attend although a date and time has yet to be announced.

March 2, 2011