Chiswick Day Care Centre At Risk of Closure

Unions say Council budget cuts could impact on most vulnerable residents

Hounslow Council budget cuts could impact on the borough’s most vulnerable residents according to UNISON, Unite and the GMB union members who are concerned that Hounslow Council's budget cuts will hit vulnerable residents hard.

The Council are currently proposing a number of budget cuts which could mean the closure of Chiswick Day Centre, a valued resource for local older people. There are currently three older people’s day centres in the borough and two are to close.

Other cuts include:

  • Youth Centres, youth services and youth counselling services.
  • Education Welfare service
  • Reduction in care for frail elderly and disabled people living in their own homes.
  • Welfare Benefits advice service
  • Street Cleansing

UNISON, Unite and the GMB have already held mass meetings of council staff. A spokesperson told on behalf of all three unions: "Hundreds of our members have agreed that the trade unions along with the community need to campaign against the cuts that the council are being forced to make by the coalition comprehensive spending review.

"The trade unions are already aware that campaigns are springing up to save Youth Services, Day Centres and Libraries. We call on all compassionate and concerned residents of Hounslow to join together to oppose these attacks on vulnerable residents."

UNISON, Unite and the GMB call on all Hounslow residents to join them at Hounslow Civic Centre at:

• 6pm on 8th February 2011 for a lobby of the Council Executive
• 6pm on 1st March 2011 for a lobby of the full meeting of Hounslow Council

January 27, 2011