Metro Bank is one of those told off for leaving rubbish out
A number of businesses in Chiswick have been warned to take action on their rubbish disposal by Hounslow Council inspectors.
It is believed that Hounslow Highways, who are charged with overseeing the refuse and littering collection on public roads in the borough, have visited CHR on a number of occasions lately, following an outcry by the public and local councillors.
LBH had recently promised to set up an enforcement team and carry out regular visits to Chiswick with the threat of fines against those who flytip.
Metro Bank on Chiswick High Road has been warned not to leave out any more bags of rubbish under a tree in front of their premises (see pic below).
The bags had been removed to the car-park behind the bank by last Friday. A local resident had complained both to the bank and to LBH about the bags being left outside..
The issue of rubbish in Chiswick was the subject of a story in last week's Evening Standard.
Leader of Hounslow council, Steve Curran said (in the article) : “People living in Chiswick are quite right to complain and I share their disgust. Hounslow Highways has had some success in issuing fines, but more can be done. We’ll be improving collection services and issuing more fines to those who persistently litter.”
The latest figures from the Council show that 11 fines were issued to businesses and individuals for littering and fly-tipping in August, but this is a borough wide figure. This resulted from a blitz on seventeen key areas by enforcement officers in places where litter and waste offences were high. Five businesses received formal warnings, six received FCNs (fixed penalty notices) for littering or waste disposal and five FPNs were issued for littering of domestic waste ( placed outside on the highway outside of normal collection days).
We have asked Hounslow Council if any of these applied to Chiswick.
.Here are some pictures of rubbish seen in recent weeks in Chiswick (below).
If you would like to report a fly tip please visit
September 25 , 2014