A round-up of this year's seasonal events for adults and children
Christmas Carol Service at 6 pm Sunday 14 December at St Michael's Church, Elmwood Road.
Christ Church Turnham Green: Christingle on Dec 14th at 10.30am The Carols By Candlelight service will be held at 7 pm on Sunday December 14, at the church on Turnham Green.
St Paul's Church, Grove Park will hold its annual Christmas concert on Sunday 14 Dec at 6.30 pm- doors open from 6. Suitable for all the family - tickets are £8, children free. Lots of bell-hemed songs-buy tickets in advance from Liz Abbott - 0845 272 3501 at the church on Sunday mornings. Bring bells to join in.
Chiswick Baptist Church will host the children's Christmas play "Klinkenschnell", the Christmas Bell, alongside the Chiswick Baptist Church Choir singing Carols on the 14th Dec from 5-6 pm, at the Baptist Centre, Annandale Road, Chiswick.
St Nicholas Church will hold its Children's Nativity on Sunday 14 December during 10.30 Mass.
As usual, the children will be enacting the story of Jesus’ birth, with a Chiswick twist and a contemporary theme, and - special for this year - a record number of 'camels'. After the service there will be a feast for all the children in church.
Carol Singing Outside Turnham Green Tube Station on the 17th Dec from 1730-1930.
Led by Giles Ridley in aid of St Michael’s three charities, The Upper Room, The Mulberry Centre and Hamlin Fistula UK. Music and words are provided.
A Carol Service will be held at St. Peter's Church, Southfield Road, Chiswick, London W4 1BB on 20th December 2014 at 5pm. A Service of of Lessons and Carols, with the Acton Green choir, all age groups welcome.
St Alban's Church, Acton Green: A Nativity Play Service will be held for children on Dec 21st at 10.30 am . A live donkey will be part of the activity. People should bring a picnic and a rug as the heating may not be complete, warm clothing is advised. Children can come as angels and shepherds if they wish.
Also on Dec 21st, a 'Blue' Service will be held at 4.30 at Christ Church Turnham Green - this is intended for those who feel a little sad around this time of year and will be followed by Alternative Carols at 6pm.
More details of all local events can be found on the individual church websites.
Please send in more events if you wish them to be publicised for Christmas.
December 9, 2014