Car Free Day Across London

Free activities for all as part of the global event

As many as 15 streets across Hounslow borough will be closed to traffic World Car Free Day, 22 September, as part of the council's day Playstreets initiative.

This year you might want to leave the car at home and get out and join in free activities for people of all ages and abilities across 20km of traffic-free roads around Tower Bridge, London Bridge and the City of London.

The Mayor’s car-free events programme is called ‘Reimagine’ – giving Londoners and visitors the opportunity to reimagine their city car-free and enabling them to get out and about, enjoying free events across the capital’s streets. Hundreds of activities will take place across more than 20km of closed streets in Central London - the equivalent of nearly 200 football pitches in length - including Tower Bridge (closed to all traffic), London Bridge (buses only) and much of the City of London. Eighteen boroughs are also organising events including working with residents to create local ‘Play Streets’ - safe spaces where children can play and communities get together.

Car Free Day is marked across the world and the Mayor hopes over 150,000 Londoners will join in London’s Reimagine events, which will help encourage the change in behavior needed to meet the Mayor’s ambitious target of 80 per cent of all journeys to be taken via sustainable modes of transport by 2041, compared to 63 per cent today.

For details of all the events click here.

September 7, 2019