It will now be known as W4 Love Books
The bookshop on Turnham Green Terrace which recently closed has been relaunched under a new name and new management. It is now called W4 Love Books.
The new owner is Ed Barnard who has managed bookshops for over ten years in London. He first started a Saturday job in a bookshop aged seventeen and has always wanted to open his own bookshop.
"I was delighted to take up this opportunity when it came up", he said adding that reaction from local residents had been very positive. There had been rumours that it would become yet another coffee shop.
Ed intends to expand the children's section to sell more books and to hold readings and signings.
He is also planning to give a platform to local authors and intends to hold regular community events - four are currently in the pipeline.
Opening hours are 10.30 - 8 pm weekdays and 11-6 Sundays.
The Chiswick Bookshop, which opened on the former Dynasty Man site, was only open for less than a year. It was part of a publishing company which relocated from the Barley Mow centre founded by publishers David Crane, and Nick Croydon and which is still in operation.
October 13, 2016